text/Emily Chan · photo/筆者提供、iStock · 2021-12-20
1. This chance is too good to miss.
2. This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance.
3. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
4. It's now or never.
當中的 once-in-a-lifetime 照字面意思,就是廣東話的「一世人得一次」,可用作形容詞 adjective ,用於名詞前。
1. Grab the chance
2. Jump at the opportunity
3. Strike while the iron is hot (解作「打鐵趁熱」)
4. Make hay while the sun shines (天氣好時準備好乾草,不要在下雨天時後悔)
1. Don't blow your chance. (blow除了解「吹」,也有「浪費」和「毀掉」的意思)
2. You shouldn't pass up the chance. ( pass up 這個 phrasal verb 亦可解作「放棄」)
3. You will regret if you miss the boat. (蘇州過後無艇搭)
4. You wouldn't want to let the opportunity slip through your fingers.
說起機會和珍惜,讓我想起近來看過的一本書:The Book of Ichigo Ichie - The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way。
作者 Héctor García 和 Francesc Miralles 還著有另一本日本生活哲理暢銷書 Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life,可見作者倆對的認識和熱衷。Ichigo Ichie 可翻譯作「一期一會」,當中最核心的訊息就是
"Every moment in our life happens only once, and if we let it slip away, we lose it forever."
我們經常聽到「活在當下」的忠告,但作者還告訴我們該如何在日常生活中實踐這四個字。書中除了「一期一會」,亦介紹了不少日本文化中的哲理,例如 Kintsugi 金継ぎ (用金來修復餐碗) ,就是要讓人明白我們不一定要掩飾缺陷,不一定要遮蔽傷口,反而我們更應直視傷痛,並重視生命的每一條裂縫。
"Just like a delicate piece of porcelain, the human heart can be damaged, but concealing the damage out of shame isn't the solution. The damage is part of our history and has brought us to where we are. Just for this, it deserves the brilliance of gold, which reflects a light that in this case is our own."
試閱《Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life》
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