

關於愛情的書籍在書店的 self-help(心靈叢書) 列架上多不勝數,而最後成功吸引我,並讓我帶回家的是 Natasha Lunn 去年出版的《Conversations on Love》。

有別於其他愛情 self-help 書,它不是走清新療癒系路線,也沒有用上那種一針見血的「人生教練」口吻。反之,此書呈現的是一個完整的探索過程,沒有嘗試灌輸哲學思想或大道理,也沒有急著推翻世人對愛情的謬誤。作者沒有用上說教般的語調,而是在整理自己的經歷和情感之際,透過與不同的人對話,從而讓讀者也加入這個尋找答案的過程。

1. How do we find love?
2. How do we sustain love?
3. How can we survive losing love?


今天我就跟大家分享一下英文中一些關於愛情的 idioms,替大家在閱讀這本書前打好語文基礎。

1. Fall head over heels in love 
就是忽然墮入愛河的意思,甚至去到失去理智的程度。例如 I couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with him.

2. Have a crush on somebody 
就是暗戀對方,可以用 big/huge/small/secret 等形容詞修飾。例如 She had a huge crush on her German teacher when she was young.

3. Be smitten (by somebody) 
也是指忽然愛上某人。例如 He was so smitten by her that he moved into her place immediately.

4. Carry a torch (for somebody)
就是愛一個不愛你的人。例如 Jack has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not to notice.

5. Be lovey-dovey
可用來形容一對情侶非常「癡纏」。例如 I am not going out with Jack and Liz again. They are so lovey-dovey.

6. A match made in heaven
則可解為「天作之合」。例如 I am truly happy for them. They are a match made in heaven!

7. Pop the question
就是求婚的意思。例如 They have been going out for 10 years. I wonder when he will pop the question.

8. Tie the knot
則是指結婚。例如 After dating for 10 years, they finally tied the knot.

9. Get hitched
也是另一個解作結婚的 expression,只是語氣較為 informal。例如 They got hitched without telling everyone.

10. On the rocks
則是指一段關係觸礁,遇上難關。例如 It seems to me that their marriage is on the rocks.

希望大家都能在這本《Conversations on Love》中找到在愛情路上屬於自己的答案。

試閱《Conversations On Love》

Emily Chan



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